Bhavan’s Public School Doha-Qatar, presented a memorable class assembly on ‘INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE’.The International Peace Day is observed around the world each year on September 21.Established in 1981, The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day of non-violence and ceasefire.The students of class IV A presented a special assembly on International Peace Day, on September 22nd 2021. The assembly was effectively commenced by Islamic prayer given by Mohammed Waris Akhtar followed by the School Prayer by Thomas Paul. The assembly was uplifted by the inspiring thought by Aahil Mohammed and the news reading done by Aadidev Anoop. Adhin Vijay, Amaya Ajith, and Jemimah Susan Shinu delivered amazing speeches on the topic. The class assembly ended with class teacher’s vote of thanks and a pledge by the students for building a vision for a world of deeper compassion and spreading the message of hope to live in a world where peace and love triumph.