A formal induction program was held for Class X and XII students at 9.30 am in Wakra campus. Academic Coordinator Mr. Thomas Francis welcomed all and introduced the students to the program. Principal, Mr. M P Philip initiated the Induction Program with moral story on the importance of hard work and setting goals in life. He motivated the students to have a single minded goal, to analyze the strength and weaknesses, to have personal study time table, to be self-disciplined and be successful in life. Principal emphasized on the following

  1. Goal setting in life.
  2. Working hard to reach the goal by sublimating age related distractions.
  3. Know your Strengths and Weakness. Maximize your strengths by conscious efforts.
  4. Make personal routine (time table) for daily life and studies.
  5. Personal Study for Four to Six hours daily for Class X & XII respectively.
  6. One hour Exercise and entertainment daily for keeping physically fit.
  7. Healthy food and balanced diet, never miss breakfast and drink enough water.

 He reminded the school rules and regulations that the students must adhere to. As Class X and XII students need to take the Board Examination next year, the Principal encouraged them to focus on studies from the beginning itself and excel in the Board Exams. Students also were briefed the schedule of Class X and XII for the new academic year 2020-21. Saturday classes will be arranged and attendance is compulsory. Principal and the Vice Principal wished the students and the teaching staff best of luck and a fruitful academic year ahead.