A seminar was conducted for Class X Students on CBSE Board examination and the recent changes in the exam pattern by the Principal Mr. M P. Philip at Wakra campus on Wednesday, 16th October 2019. All class X students and subject teachers attended the seminar.
Academic coordinator, Mr. Thomas Francis extended a warm welcome to all the class X students and the faculty. Principal in his key note address highlighted the need to focus on Board examination. He compared preparing for exam to building a beautiful house. As the budget in building a home is fixed and is so significant, time in preparation for the Board exam is also very precious. He reminded the students to have a proper plan of action for exam preparation.
Teachers, parents and elders are like signboards, he opined. The guidance provided by them should be taken positively as it aims at students’ ultimate welfare. He urged all the students to spend their time judiciously for preparation of the board exam.
The following tips were suggested to students by the Principal
- Aim and Fix a particular percentage of marks to achieve in the Board Examination, based on the ability of each one.
- Perform to the fullest capacity by hard work.
- Have a study room or area at home with learning environment with proper lighting, Charts with important formula, definitions, pictures etc.
- Avoid week end outing and dining out as far as possible during the coming months till the Examination.
- Abstain from Social media or minimize its use to sublimate the energy of students for studies.
- Do not keep eatables in study room and drink only normal water/ fresh juice during study time.
- Prepare study notes for revisions later. It helps to revise the lessons easily.
- Keep Personal study for 4 hours daily
- Reserve daily One hour for physical activities/ Exercise/ Games.
- Do not spend too much time on one subject, distribute time equitably.
- Difficult subjects/ lessons should not be left altogether, take help from teachers or Parents.
- Be self-confident and avoid all unwanted anxieties about Examination.
- Have balanced diet and should not forget personal prayer.
- Avoid watching violent/ horror movies during these days to keep students mind calm and for sound sleep.
- Sleep six hours daily to keep healthy.
Vice Principal, Mr. Dharmaraj Kumar, in his valedictory note, thanked the Principal for the thought provoking insights, tips and techniques he shared with children. Vice Principal, encouraged the students to fix their single minded focus on the board examination to produce the best results for themselves. The seminar lasted for an hour.