Bhavan’s Public School celebrated its glittering Kids Fest in the midst of distinguished guests, teachers, parents and well-wishers on Tuesday, 23rd October 2017 at the New Salata campus. The show comprised colourful variety of performances by the budding talents from three campuses of Bhavan’s. The programme with fancy dress, action song and western dance beautifully displayed musical, choreographic and acting talents of the tiny tots. The function commenced with the colourful welcome dance by the kids. Principal Mr. M.P. Philip, in his welcome address encouraged the children to take schooling as a journey of learning with lots of joyful moments. The chief guest of the day was Dr. K.R. Maalathi, a renowned teacher and the founder CEO of Auuro Educational Services. She declared the fest open and expressed her happiness and joy for being part of the fest. The dais was spiff up with the presence of Mrs. Anjana Menon, Director Administration, Mr. Anilkumar, General Secretary, Headmistress Mrs Shailaja KrishnaKumar and Mrs.Asha Shiju. Mrs. Shailaja Krishnakumar, Headmistress of New Salata Campus expressed her bona fide gratitude to everyone for making the fest a memorable one.